2017 Meetings reports
There were 2 meetings this year: Sheffield, UK (March 2017) | Cardiff, Wales, UK (October 2017) - see below...
Sheffield, UK meeting - March 2017
The first meeting of the year was held in London and we were joined by patients, carers and supporters to see and hear presentations from our specialist friends:
- The Oncological Management of GIST - Dr Robin Young
- How are GISTS imaged? - Dr Christine Ingram
- E GIST and Pathology - Dr Malee Fernando
- Update on Role and Considerations by an MDT - Sister Eades
1.) The Oncological Management of GIST - Dr Robin Young
2.) How are GISTS imaged? - Dr Christine Ingram
3.) E GIST and Pathology - Dr Malee Fernando
4.) Update on Role and Considerations by an MDT - Sister Eades
Cardiff, Wales, UK meeting - October 2017
- Managing the Side-Effects - Dr C Morgan & C Methven
- Managing side-effects - discussion
1.) Managing the Side-Effects - Dr C Morgan & C Methven
2.) Managing side-effects - discussion